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All Signs Point to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, but Infertility and Missed Periods Can be Caused by Many Factors

Based on what she’s read and the symptoms she’s experiencing, she believes she has polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). This is a common affliction among women of child-bearing age, and her symptoms certainly seem to support her theory. But for now that’s all she has – a theory – because she hasn’t yet spoken to a doctor. She may in fact suffer from another ailment that explains her missed periods, hair loss and weight gain.
Case #: 1698

I have not been to the doctor recently, but I really suspect I may have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). I self-diagnosed myself and have all the symptoms. My hair keeps falling from my scalp, and I have noticed an increase in facial hair and weight. The biggest clue is that I have no periods. I want to be able to have a baby, but I hear fertility prescription drugs are my only hope. I don’t want to take drugs. I just want my chances of getting pregnant to increase. Is there any way I can stop these symptoms and keep my hair, or will I be stuck with this? What is there to do?

Learning she’s infertile can be the most devastating news a woman will receive. In addition to taking away dreams of a family, it can crush a woman’s emotional state and even create problems in a relationship. But at this stage, you need to speak with a doctor before you proceed. Your anxiety is understandable given how desperately you want a baby, but self-diagnosis does not replace that of a trained physician. Symptoms that appear to reflect an obvious ailment often reflect something else. Speak to a doctor and let him or her make an accurate diagnosis.
Understanding PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is but one possible explanation for infertility. With this condition, females have higher levels of androgens than normal. This creates a hormone imbalance that in turn impacts the body’s production and release of eggs. Up to 5 million women in the United States may suffer from PCOS, according to
Symptoms of PCOS include many of the complications you’re experiencing, including acne, weigh gain and hair loss. It can also cause missed and/or irregular periods as well as body and facial hair. If women with PCOS do get pregnant, they are at greater risk of miscarriage and pre-term delivery. To diagnose the condition, doctors conduct full physical and pelvic exams. They may also order blood work and ultrasound tests.
The Many Causes of Infertility

Infertility is a complex condition that can be related to a number of different factors. Chief among these is an undiagnosed thyroid problem. Symptoms include irregular periods and hair loss – similar to what you describe. Thyroid problems also cause weight gain, depression and fatigue. Again, your doctor needs to be the one to diagnose this condition, which he or she can do with blood tests.
Another factor associated with infertility is stress. Sure, stress exists in daily lives, but difficult situations like moving, changing jobs or losing a loved one can take a toll on the body. We’re not suggesting you try to eliminate stress altogether – that’s nearly impossible – but learning to manage it will improve your quality of life. Techniques to try include journaling, meditation and exercise.
Other causes of infertility include rapid weight gain or loss, poor diet, certain medications, and eating disorders. Each of these can cause disruption to hormone levels required for ovulation and menstruation.
Danger in Making a Self-Diagnosis

We already discussed the need for you to speak with your doctor, but we must also address the inherent danger in self-diagnosis. It blinds you to other possibilities and therefore reduces your success for treatment. You said that fertility drugs may be the only way for you to conceive, but plenty of natural options also exist. These include healthy diet, regular exercise and even alternative treatments like acupuncture.
If you are diagnosed with PCOS at a later date, keep in mind it does not necessarily mean you won’t get pregnant. Many women with this condition go on to deliver healthy, happy babies. So save the worrying for another time – it’s only causing additional stress to your mind and body.
Reduce the Symptoms of PCOS

Earlier we spoke about alternative treatments used to correct infertility. One of these works to directly reduce the signs of PCOS by balancing hormones and restoring energy levels. We’re talking about Maca powder, shown to contain a host of phytonutrients that benefit the pituitary gland, pancreas and thyroid. (TRY: PCOS Herbal Relief Formula) Taking this supplement may improve your chances of conceiving a baby without the negative side effects associated with prescription pills.

What to do

Benefits of Maca For Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Tosha Nichole was diagnosed with PCOS, a hormonal disorder that caused cysts along the edg

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