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Straighten Up and Fly Right – Overcoming a Loss in Libido & Low Testosterone
If folks who visit have already read some of my articles and case studies they’ll be able to tell that I have a certain fascination with engines, preferably larger ones. So it will probably come as no surprise that I recently went to an airshow. It was a total blast; the weather was perfect and there were planes from different eras zipping around in the skies high above (and some low as well).
Although they had some faster planes that were kind of silvery and cool looking, the ones that my friends and I enjoyed the most were the vintage World War I biplanes. Those beauties were quite a sight! They usually flew a little lower too, so you could see all of the little decals and flag emblems on them, and as they slowly glided through the air (at least compared to the more modern planes) they had a distinctive rumble that we found really distinctive.
A Closer Inspection
Amazingly, we got to meet one of the men who piloted a biplane while he still was on the ground. He was performing a safety check and regaled us of the plane’s history. He also described how the engine worked for the more technically inclined of us, as well as all of the bells and whistles within the main cockpit.
One thing that he told me in particular (since I’m a war buff) is since these older aircraft were easier to shoot and damage with enemy machineguns since they moved a little slow, and in many cases the fuel tank would get punctured or the oil pump or tubes would be damaged and leak. This would cause the plane to sputter and intermittently stall out just like in those old war movies, and in some cases the pilots weren’t even equipped with parachutes. Talk about balls to the walls!
I’m Going Down!
Engines such as the one in the aforementioned biplane always provide me with interesting metaphors for men’s sexual functions (and dysfunctions). For the sake of this article a biplanes frame can be seen as your body and its engine your reproductive system. Just as with how enemy machineguns can tear through a biplane’s frame and cause massive damage including fuel and oil leaks, etc., so can your body experience wear and tear as you age.
As well, when men get a little older their testosterone levels begin to “leak” and just as a biplane become harder to control and start to sputter out, a man’s behavior can become erratic and he can experience mood swings and periods of intense stress and anxiety. His 5-alpha reductase levels may then spike, leading to the over production of too much DHT. This can cause his testosterone to ebb, and just as a damaged biplane flies lower to the ground, a man’s libido and energy levels can swing to all-new low levels.
This in turn can lead to problems with a man’s self-image, since by definition men are supposed to be tough and sexually virile. It may also cause issues at work because of the increasing mood swings (and sometimes depression), as well as damage to, or full on break-up of, any relationship he has with a significant other. So how can this be prevented and/or reversed?
An Oldie but Still Goodie
Men who feel tired and worn out may find an effective boost in life by taking an all-natural solution. These mixtures contain elements which can greatly reduce out of control cortisol and DHT levels, which will enable you to produce more testosterone once again. (TRY: Tired Feeling Zapping Formula) They can also help to reduce bodily inflammation, lower blood sugar levels, eliminate dermatological afflictions such as psoriasis and enema, and increase focus and concentration.
All of these factors can eventually lead to a calm, measured outlook on life, peace of mind, stabilized emotional state, mental acuity and clarity, and…drumroll…an increase in sexual virility and endurance. So surprise your lover with your all-new “machinegun” and increased stamina, instead of getting shot down over enemy lines - and guide that baby right into her hanger!
[More Details +]

Views: 197

Ideas: chronic fatigue, Libido & Low Testosterone, Closer Inspection

GuideID: 62654

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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