Vaginal Spasm (Vaginismus) is a conditioned reflex of the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle, which causes muscles in the vagina to tense suddenly, making any kind of vaginal penetration either painful or impossible, including sexual penetration, insertion of tampons and gynecological examinations.
Nerve and tissue damage and hormonal imbalances - from birth control pills, surgery, breast augmentation, C-section, tubal ligation, liposuction, hysterectomy, excessive or rough sex, overuse of vibrators, dildos, water-jets - all contribute to vaginismus, especially anything that causes excessive release of PGE-2 (the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2). Excessive PGE-2, even from semen, can also desensitize and fully disable vagina immunity, trigger a yeast infection and lead to burning intercourse pain.
Fish oils and herbal formula can counter vaginismus by boosting prostaglandin E1 and nitric oxide production while reducing prostaglandin E2 release. Increased blood circulation and hormone synthesis can be encouraged by a warming massage with botanical oils or creams around the vagina and using the Finger Pliers Technique or gradual insertion of a medical vaginal dilator warmed with hot water.
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