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The Diabolical Dangers of Douching
If you're a typical American woman (or any typical woman for that matter), you're likely familiar with the practice of douching. Maybe you have done it yourself a time or two, or maybe it's even an active part of your ongoing hygiene. Maybe you're even doing it right now as you read this (probably not, but if you are, please wash your hands before closing your browser). There's a lot of debate as to whether or not the practice is safe, but a growing body of evidence suggests that this type of intravaginal cleansing is probably not in your best interest. And that's putting it very mildly.
Douche – It's Much More Than Just a Cheating Boyfriend
First, why do women douche in the first place? Truth be told, it's largely based around age-old myths about female hygiene. Many women quite simply feel cleaner after douching, as though they're ridding their genitals of disgusting, malodorous toxins, but in fact, MedLine Plus reports that douching can actually cause yeast infections and abnormal vaginal discharge. So rather than cleaning the plumbing, you're potentially contributing to even more grime. But if only that were the worst of it.
You shouldn't be alarmed by the presence of mucus inside your vagina. This is completely natural, and even necessary. And by utilizing douching methods to “freshen up,” you may be causing more damage than you even realize. According to MedLine Plus, these are just some of the problems that can arise with persistent douching: bacterial vaginosis, birth defects, cervical cancer, HIV transmission, infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis and sexually transmitted diseases.
So just to recap, douching may cause you to give birth prematurely, contract syphilis from mild sexual contact, fall over from indescribable pelvic pain and ultimately die from cancer. Wow, even cigarettes don't have that many diverse side effects. They certainly don't print these warnings on the labels, but however marginal the risks, you need to be informed. Suddenly a bit of vaginal odor doesn't seem like such a devastating affliction.
If You Or Someone You Love Has Been the Victim of Douching...
Maybe you're reading this because you have already experienced the early side effects of douching. One of the most notable of these side effects is vaginal discharge. It may manifest itself as excess moisture, increased mucus or even a fungal infection. If you notice these physical manifestations, stop douching immediately (you should probably do that anyway); take an herbal supplement formulated for vaginal discharge; keep your genitals dry and clean; and eat a yogurt with live cultures. The problem may not repair itself overnight, but you should gradually notice improvement.
Most importantly, remember that good feminine hygiene is about staying clean and living a healthy lifestyle. It's not about adhering to outdated and potentially dangerous practices. Almost all women are self-conscious about their vagina in one way or another. Whether it's the shape, the overall appearance, the moisture (or lack thereof), or the odor, the vagina has been causing women to second-guess themselves for centuries. But it doesn't have to be that way. Chance are, your vagina is perfectly normal, and you're just putting unrealistic expectations on yourself. So end the abuse, and learn to love your vagina, warts and all (actually, if there are warts, you should probably get those checked).
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GuideID: 62535

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