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Over Sensitized Penis Head

All men are created equal—except in the bedroom. Some men possess great size that makes them master pleasers; other men maintain an indefatigable endurance; and a few unfortunate souls display neither stamina nor size. For the individuals in the latter group, the lack of stamina angers and irritates a partner, and men with endurance issues can blame their penile glan’s sensitivity as a cause.

Penile Glan Overview

The penile glans, known simply as the penis head, provides males with a hypersensitive area built for stimulation and pleasure. The glans purpose is to provide males pleasure, and similar to the clitoris, serves no other function. For uncircumcised males, the foreskin encasing the glan creates a higher level of sensitivity, while circumcised men experience a decrease in sensation because the foreskin cannot protect the skin.

An Increased Pleasure: Resolving the Issue

Most men blame their performance issues on anxiety or pleasure, two legitimate and viable excuses, but the glan of the penis creates the most common source of unexpected ejaculations. For circumcised men, the problem may not exist; for uncircumcised men, the issue can run rampant. Men can try natural supplements that numb the penis, but these products may or may not work for everyone. Instead, penile numbing creams can desensitize the nerves to improve endurance.

Numbing Creams at a Glance

Numbing creams provide a fast, effective means for improving endurance. These creams contain numbing chemicals that work within a few minutes to stymie pleasure. The downside to these products: Males will experience almost no pleasure from sex. Imagine eating your favorite food with no taste buds. Sex without the sensation makes the activity less enjoyable.

Blame Your Glans

Males plagued by incessant premature ejaculation can blame their glans for the source of sexual ineptitude. Still, males do have options for resolving the issue by taking action today. Cream, gels and supplements offer some solace, but these products may not be the cure-all for more insidious side effects, including anxiety-induced premature ejaculation.

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Views: 398

Ideas: Men's ,Premature Ejaculation

GuideID: 62401

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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