Although sexual behavior varies, statistics have shown that people who have sex once or twice a week have a healthier heart, better immune system, lower stress level, and relatively higher degree of general satisfaction. Unfortunately, there are many factors that contribute to lagging libido in women, such as aging, fatigue, stress, depression, sour relationships, etc… These factors most certainly lower sex hormone levels in the body. Surprisingly, the product designed to essentially make sex carefree by removing the threat of pregnancy is also greatly responsible for thwarting the sex drive of many women.
Birth control can profoundly decrease sexual and orgasmic responses. Hormone-based birth control works by emulating a pregnancy state by flooding the brain with excessive progesterone and/or estrogen, tricking it into thinking the body is pregnant and subsequently shutting down ovarian function. This results in excessive progesterone or estrogen in the uterus and cervix. When the liver fails to detoxify the hormone abundance, symptoms of depression, orgasmic dysfunction, and low libido emerge.
The overages of various hormones as caused by birth control have similarly libido-robbing effects. When there is excessive estrogen in the bloodstream, the vagina becomes too wet and numb. The labia minors and clitoral foreskin will grow and callus. The tissue of the breast will sag and become tender.
If there is excessive progesterone in the bloodstream, the vagina becomes too dry, and also numb. The clitoris and G-spot will shrink as a result of a severe deficiency of the androgen hormones, free testosterone and DHT. This is why women taking birth control often suffer from a lowered sex drive.
To reverse the damage caused by birth control medication, the Botanical Formula to Detoxify & Intensify Orgasm will gradually help rejuvenate the neuro-endocrine function, detoxify the liver, uterus and cervix. It will also serve to restore libido by providing balance and boosting the chemicals prostaglandin E-1/E-3, oxytocin and nitric oxide.
You can have your sex drive and love it, too. Simply detoxify with the formula, and start using alternate means of birth control.
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