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Rock Your Body Confidence: Suggestions and Positions
Body confidence. You want it. More of it. Especially when you are naked in front of your lover. Then, maybe you could do those crazy positions you’ve read about. But what really produces confidence?
How to Not Get Mental About Your Physical Body
Studies show that body confidence is 90 percent mental. So to begin your adventure in the bedroom, picture it going well, and tell yourself it is going well. You can put on the perfume or cologne, which will make you feel sexy.  Set the mood for your success. If it helps, you can even develop a character or persona. Beyonce has been said to use a persona, called Sasha, she uses when she performs. So let’s get you out of your head and into the bed.
Tips for Not Getting Into Your Body
Getting nervous about your body image can lead to anxiety that becomes an unwelcomed partner in your lovemaking. Get out of your head and into your senses.
Forward Lean provides ladies with an opportunity to improve their confidence, giving males a view of the beautiful you. With your faces positioned away from each other, each partner can focus on his or her body. For women, you get to be in control, feeling out what sensations and desires you want from your partner. He is in under your control. The initial pressure of “looking at my partner looking at me” is gone. You can focus on listening to your own body and the senses of your partner.
This will be a helpful position if you are not sure whether your partner is as confident about their body as you are with yours. With this position, both of you get to warm up to feeling the body’s rhythms and transfer that energy and sensation to the next position.
Oh That Beautiful Body!
Body admiration. Letting the lovers admire who they are.  Visuals are stimulating for males. Now that your partner has taken in the view of you from the rear, let him view your beauty from the front. Taking a moment to look at who you are with can increase the intensity, allowing each partner to catch the adoration.
You get to see what you have previously done to him. Now you get to bring sight into the picture.
Stretcher, Please! allows a time for each lover to view each other. This mutual admiration can also be a buildup for looking at each other in the eyes, bringing more intimate intensity to the position.
By switching what you are focusing on, you allow the energy to settle.  Instead of being amped up with hang ups, you are a bit more relaxed and open to receive sensation in the body. Love the body. Enjoy the newfound confident being that you are.

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Ideas: Men'sLow Sex Drive, Women'sLow Sex Drive, Confidence:

GuideID: 61838

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