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The Five Strangest Sexual Dysfunctions Affecting Women
Maybe you think it's weird that you can't achieve an orgasm during intercourse or that you sometimes are forced to deal with the scourge of vaginal order. If so, you may take comfort knowing of far stranger sexual dysfunctions plaguing women. Some of your friends, your cousins, or even your economics professors may be struggling with one of these odd afflictions right now, but they're not going to run around boasting about it. Here are some of the most unusual sexual disorders and idiosyncrasies affecting women.
Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD)
Believe it or not, some women are just completely turned on...all the time. It's the textbook definition of being insatiable. Nothing can quench their sexual appetite. According to Discovery Health, some women with PGAD even suffer frequent, spontaneous orgasms (if only we could all be so lucky). As you can imagine, this problem can be quite embarrassing, especially in the middle of a company presentation.
Sexsomania is the sexual equivalent of sleepwalking. Women may engage in some form of sexual activity, including masturbation or intercourse, while sleeping. This problem can impact men as well, but as you can imagine, the danger is much greater for women (How the hell did I get pregnant?). In fact, sexsomania is classified as a sleep disorder.
Semen Allergy
Do you notice a burning or itching sensation after having sex? Does your vagina swell? How about nausea or diarrhea? Believe it or not, semen contains allergenic proteins, and some women can suffer allergic reactions. The best way to find out if you have a semen allergy is to have sex with a condom to see if the symptoms subside...(more on Semen Allergy)
Do you have no sex drive whatsoever? If so, it may be time for your husband to shave his back...or, more likely, you may be the subject of a common phenomenon known as asexuality. Please don't mistake this with loss of libido. Lost libido can usually be treated with targeted herbal remedies, but asexuality suggests the complete and unyielding absence of sexual desire.
Is My Sexual Condition Normal?
If you fear that you may have some sort of sexual abnormality, speak with a doctor. The problem may be psychological, or your body may be trying to tell you something. Many sexual dysfunctions can be treated, sometimes with herbs and sometimes even with counseling (depending on the affliction). It's also important to note that certain life events, like menopause, cancer treatments and hysterectomies, can cause dramatic changes in your reproductive system. Pain medications, birth control pills and other pharmaceuticals can also play a role.
Try to ascertain when the problem began, and determine if the change corresponds with any other life-relevant change, such as a medical treatment, a major surgery or even a new relationship. You deserve a healthy, happy sex life just like everyone else, and the solution may be simpler than you think.
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Ideas: Women's, Female Sexual Exhaustion, Low Sex Drive

GuideID: 61699

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