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Sex Position: The Daredevil

As a young boy, Matthew Murdock was struck by a radioactive isotope, leaving him permanently blind. After losing his vision, Murdock’s other senses heightened, a transformation that lead him to become one of Marvel Comics’ most iconic superheroes: The Daredevil. While most blindfolded men may not exhibit superhuman powers like the Daredevil, a pair of blinders will improve a man’s touch and smell during this cunnilingus activity. So ladies, grab a blindfold and wrap it around his eyes to transform your man into the Daredevil.

Why She’ll Love It:

Without his sight, he’ll look like a fish out of water. He’ll need to use his tongue to find your pleasure spots, but you won’t mind the extra effort. The extra challenge will make the pleasure even better.  

Why He’ll Love It:

Being blindfolded will do two things: improve your pleasure and assist in your finding of her clitoris and G-spot in the dark. When you make love, it’s usually in the dark, so for a novice, the lack of sight may make finding her pleasure spots difficult. Being blindfolded can give you the needed practice to locate what pleases her the most.

About This Position

Sex Position Number: 244
Difficulty: Novice
Pleasure for Him: Low
Pleasure for Her: High
Not Suitable For: Vaginal Discharge
Other Positions You May Like: Grinding It Out
Ideal Penis Size: N/A
Stamina Required: Low
Flexibility Required: Low

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Views: 547

GuideID: 61679

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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