These include berries like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries, fish, and assorted herbs that kick your brain into high gear and stimulate it to perform tasks that otherwise would have you down.
Brain Food
However, the caffeine in yerba mate is different from the caffeine in coffee. Coffee keeps you awake by sending the caffeine to the central nervous system. The caffeine in yerba mate has an effect on muscle tissue, so we can infer that yerba mate helps fight depression and fatigue caused by over masturbation. Licorice also helps to regulate sexual desires by slowing down hormonal breakdown in the liver and thereby suppressing overactive hormones and excessive libido.
Fish, especially salmon, mackerels, and sardines, contain high levels of DHA; an Omega-3 fatty acid that is also found in highly concentrated amounts in the brain. Eating these foods or taking a fish oil supplement daily can replenish the DHA in the brain and lead to greater memory ability and cognitive alertness.
These brain foods replenish and restore the brain to its’ youthful state, leaving you feeling motivated, focused, and happier. An over active libido, indulged by masturbation or extensive sexual activities severely depletes the brain of dopamine while disabling it from regulating these levels by increasing dopamine supply. To restore the brain, you must take in nutrients and amino acids common in brain foods to progress to a healthy way of life.
Views: 289
Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, lack of concentration
GuideID: 61633
Guide Type: Hot Topics
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