Arare sexual disorder experienced by men is an orgasm dysfunction caused by a testicular injury. In these cases, a man who engages in intercourse for any length of time will be virtually unable to reach the climax of orgasm. Needless to say, it can be emasculating and distressing.
There are few injuries as painful than those to the testicles. Such afflictions include unpleasant side effects such as abdominal and testicular pain, vomiting and an upset stomach. Although injuries tend to heal and their associated symptoms disappear in relatively short periods of time, there are more severe cases for which medical attention and even surgery is required. Regardless of the severity of the testicular injury, however, the adverse side effects can occur unnoticed. Testosterone production can be profoundly diminished, leading to weaker, soft erections. As a result, the injury-sufferer may find that they are no longer able to achieve orgasm, or they do so only after having great difficulty. A psychological backlash from these traumas often develops in the form of depression and anxiety.
Serving only to compound the problem, an overall decrease in sex drive is another symptom not commonly attributed to testicular injury. Many times, one may not even be aware that their sex drive has been affected. But when a man compares the frequency of sexual activity before and after a testicular injury, he often uncovers a noticeable difference.
Fortunately, male orgasm dysfunction due to testicular injury is rarely of permanence. Time will eventually heal the hidden wounds, and many potent remedies such as the Orgasm Disorder Herbal Remedy For Men have been developed to help relieve any pain that may persist while restoring normal sex drive and function. Such formulas help boost androgen hormone production, improve nervous function, reduce induced stress and inflammatory hormones, and improve blood circulation, allowing sufferers to experience the joy of orgasm that had been lost
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