Vaginal dryness is among the top problems associated with menopause. Nearly all women between the ages of 40 and 60 will suffer from it. However, insufficient vaginal lubrication can occur in women of any age, and probably will at some point.
Vaginal dryness is sometimes attributed to the excessive stress inherent to modern daily living. Compounding the burden is the fact that a lack of lubrication can cause sexual intercourse to be unpleasant and painful. Women suffering from persistent dryness will often seek to avoid sex, and eventually not have it at all, a developed habit that will surely be damaging to relationships.
Often, it’s a depletion of estrogen that will be the primary culprit behind dryness. It’s a hormonal imbalance that leads to the drying and thinning of the vaginal walls. Just as the aforementioned stress can contribute to the problem, so can depression. For issues of such emotional complications, it is always recommended to first seek treatment via counseling. A woman may even learn that the stress of a damaged relationship is manifesting itself via a psychosomatic reaction in the form of a dry vagina.
It should be of no surprise that increasing water consumption might help alleviate the symptoms, just as adjusting overall diet can. Proper nutrition – not necessarily in the form of weight-loss diets - may actually help balance hormones. For instance, it’s not commonly known that cholesterol is a necessary component for vaginal lubrication. Foods high in pyhtoestrogens (an actual form of estrogen derived from plants) such as flax, soybeans and tofu may be consumed to promote optimal vaginal health as well. Multivitamin and mineral supplements are also recommended.
External factors, such as chemical ingredients in perfumes, hygiene and laundry products are known to irritate the vaginal tissues and make them dry. Whatever the specific cause, dryness may always be temporarily resolved via the use of synthetic lubricants.
In regards to treating the source of the condition, it’s always wise to consult a gynecologist. Plus, there are a number of organic remedies available that don’t even require a prescription. The herbs in the Vaginal Insensitivity and Dryness Relief Remedy can help restore the vagina’s natural moisture environment. It contains Wild Yam (enriched with Vitamin E) to promote natural lubrication. Diosgenin is also included. It is a plant compound structurally similar to estrogen that can naturally restore hormone and pH balance, thereby promoting wetness and making penetration during intercourse less painful.
As demonstrated, vaginal dryness can be the result of a variety of causes. If it’s not just due to the natural course of menopause, it’s a comfort to know that there are plenty of treatment options that can restore moisture to the vagina, thereby returning a woman’s sexual vitality and self esteem.
If symptoms are prolonged and severe, a physician should be contacted immediately.
Views: 240
Ideas: Women's,Vaginal Dryness,clitoral insensitivity
GuideID: 60577
Guide Type: Hot Topics
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