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Sex Position: Dual Personality
Having a dual personality can help at times, especially in the bedroom. You can go from America’s sweetheart to America’s biggest freak in the bedroom. And that dual personality will be welcomed by most partners. In Dual Personality, men and women will get dual pleasure—deep penetration and intense thrusts. Women who enjoy both will love how a man can dominate her from here.
Women will lie on their backs, placing one leg over the edge of the bed. Men will penetrate to allow the woman to allow her to split her legs. Men, you’ll want to raise one knee onto the bed and allow the leg to remain straight. Once in position, ladies feel free to raise the leg not touching the floor up to his shoulder.
Why She’ll Love It:
Ladies, you’ll have the opportunity to experience deep, deep penetration. Maybe your man lacks the right size that you like. Maybe your man could use a confidence boost. Or maybe your man is confident and large but just likes deeper penetration. What your reasons, you’ll love what this position can do for small and large men alike. And with two free hands, you can massage your clitoris or play with your breasts.
Why He’ll Love It:
You’re in charge of the tempo. You’ll control how fast or slow you want to go, and for any man suffering from P.E. problems, managing the tempo helps—a lot. Men too will enjoy the deeper penetration achieved. If you’re not the biggest guy around, you’ll benefit from the illusion of a larger package.
About This Position
Sex Position Number: 120
Difficulty: Experienced
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her: High
Not Suitable For:  Impotence
Other Positions You May Like: Tongue Twister
Ideal Penis Size: 5 inches +
Stamina Required: Low
Flexibility Required: Medium

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Views: 141

GuideID: 60149

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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