Last year Dr. Roberto Viel, a plastic surgeon specializing in penis enlargement surgeries, performed 200 of these operations, each costing around $8,300. If you’re doing the math, he raked in around 1.6 million dollars. According to Dr. Viel, the number of theses surgeries continues to rise, a trend that demonstrates the high insecurities males hold.
Men flood forums, ask medical experts and even trust suspicious websites with the same question: “How do I enlarge my penis?” From girth growth to length, men want to find reasonable means to improve their size, and whatever the cost, risks and procedures, men will try any type of enlargement technique.
Why Most Products Fail
Backed by questionable evidence, faked testimonials and crude techniques, most products and techniques fail to provide enlargement because the false statements made by manufactures. Even worse, men pay top dollar to try the latest “scientifically proven techniques” or the most “revolutionary methods” for achieving enlargement.
How to Achieve Enlargement
Men who seek enlargement should understand the difference between length and girth growth. For length growth, the tissue requires an expansion, while the body needs hormone-like nutrients, such as nitric oxide to boost blood flow for expanding penile chambers. For example, Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation & Growth continues to assist men with the following:
1. Adding inches to current length
2. Sustaining a firm erection throughout intercourse
3. Increasing HGH, Dopamine, DHT, testosterone and nitric oxide production essential for tissue growth
If you notice troubles performing certain sex positions, feeling pleasure from particular positions or combating self-esteem issues because of the length of a penis, you should discover how penile enhancement products could benefit your life.
Views: 712
Ideas: Male, penile enlargement, enlargement techniques
GuideID: 59628
Guide Type: Hot Topics
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