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Quercetin - The flavanoid herb of countless medicinal benefits

Quercetin is a plant-derived chemical known as a flavanoid. Flavanoids are naturally occurring ‘phytochemicals’ (of which there are more than 10 different subclasses) that perform antioxidant functions and play a role in the prevention of cardiovascular illnesses, the improvement of respiratory functions and the reduction of allergy symptom reactions.

Usually and naturally found in many natural food sources such as fruits, vegetables, leaves and grains, Quercetin is especially potent in apples, raspberries and onionskin. Smaller concentrations can be found in other edibles such as berries, red grapes, broccoli, and citrus fruits. It is a common ingredient in many beverages and foods as well as in nutritional supplements that are often available in drugstores. Since flavonoids such as Quercetin are not actually produced in our bodies, adding them to our diet and consuming the specific foods and nutritional supplements containing them may be wise. It is believed that the benefits of Quercetin are many and varied, helping treat people suffering from such maladies as eczema, hives, asthma, and hay fever. Symptoms of more serious conditions like pancreatitis and prostatitis have been treated with Quercetin, too.
Of particular note is the theory that Quercetin can prevent testicular damage caused by toxic compounds called dioxins, blocking the hindrance of testosterone levels as a result. This is why the herb is included in such herbal formulas as the Botanical Testicular Revitalization Formula. By being an anti-oxidant present in the testes, it works in the same manner that it protects the kidneys from dioxins. Digested and absorbed by the smaller intestine and colon where it reacts with glucuronic acid, Quercetin gets passed onto the liver where it is distributed to the areas of the body it positively affects. This revealed science of Quercetin activity is the result of years of research that has all but indicated that the herb can definitely contribute to better health.

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Ideas: Men's,ProstatitisTesticular, Pain & Injury

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