Auricular Therapy, also known as Ear Acupuncture Therapy, involves gently stimulating theouter ear in order to relieve tension, anxiety, headache, and addictions, such as smoking and sex addiction. Most Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) doctors use acupuncture, acupressure, or electric stimulation on the specific “acupuncture points” located on the external ears. [1]
Ear Acupuncture Therapy can help a number of different sexual ailments, including:
- Premature Ejaculation -by stopping premature ejaculation caused by stress and performance anxiety. Lightly scratching the region around Scaphoid Fossa and take Climax Control Herbs together.
- Over Masturbation & Sex Addiction -by curbing the addiction to masturbation. It's effective when taking with herbal remedy and press Shen Men & Subcortex points together.
- Menopausal Depression - by helping menopausal women suffering from depression when stimulating Adrenal & Subcortex points together.
- Orgasm Difficulty & Low Sex Drive - by helping women to relax and reduce intimacy fear when stimulating Kidney & Subcortex points together.
How it Works
According to Traditional Chinese Medical textbooks, various points on the outer ear are linked to various meridian channels that correspond with specific organs and their body functions. Ear Acupuncture Therapy can be effectively performed by only experienced physicians who apply the science to a surprising number of psychological problems and physical ailments all over the body. The therapy can even be used to control appetite.
Therpay Section
Most acupuncturists charge anywhere between $25-$65 per session, depending on the practitioners rates and the patients insurance coverage. Each session generally runs between 25 to 45 minutes. During it, you will lie down or sit comfortably in a chair while the acupuncturists insert extremely fine needles or apply micro-electrical instruments to stimulate specific points on your ear. It’s not painful at all. In fact, you will only feel a light pressure or sensation.
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