Burning, itchy and repugnant odors all signify a yeast infection. While non-transmittable, yeast infections remain a constant source of irritation. Three in four women will suffer from a yeast infection at some point in their lives. Most women who suffer from a yeast infection will experience the condition because of birth control.
Some birth control causes an imbalance of estrogen to occur. When estrogen levels become imbalanced, vaginal lubrication becomes reduced; the Clitoris and G-spot become desensitized; and even the vaginal muscles weaken. In addition, a deficiency in vaginal bacterial flora and T lymphocyte occurs, causing harmful yeast proliferation and germination.
How It Happened
Hormonal birth control pills can promote the activity of an enzyme called Delta-5 Desaturase (D5D). Normally D5D, would synthesis Arachidonic Acid (AA) from high-fat meat, dairy products or even unsaturtated fat in vegetable seed oils.
But when there are too many AA floating around, the body activates another enzyme, prostaglandin E2. If a woman’s liver is not able to detoxify prostaglandin E2, then a yeast infection can occur.
Go For Natural Remedy
Women with high levels of prostaglandin E2 often suffer from chronic yeast infections. If chronic yeast infections persist, refrain from taking birth control pills to allow the body to return to its normal state. In addition, women should look to take Vaginal Relief & Detoxification Formula to help balance the enzyme levels that can cause a yeast infection.
Views: 288
Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Infection, birth control pills
GuideID: 58802
Guide Type: Hot Topics
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